Saturday, July 2, 2016




And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.


One of the very first things God did for us was to settle dominion upon humankind.  He created everything except vegetation "because there was no man to work the ground," (Genesis 2:5).  God made the Garden of  Eden, and he put Adam and Eve in charge of everything in it.  Except that one tree.  Its fruit is still poisoning the minds of men and women today. Satan used the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to keep us from having the relationship with God that he and his minions repudiated.  His duplicity caused us all this trouble.

Still, you must understand: You were born to rule.  Not in the literal sense of  overseeing a monarchy, but in the spiritual sense of walking with God in obedience and humility, you were destined to hold sway over the circumstances of life--before the world began.

Very few people have achieved the dominion God planned for his creation.  Enoch.  Melchizedek.  Job.  Other than them, everyone has pretty much fallen short.  God gave Himself a do-over by the seventh chapter of Genesis. He sent a flood to wipe everything out except Noah and them.  We did not learn.

 A thousand and more years after that, He sent His Son.  

Jesus came "that we might have life, and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)

Before Christ made that declaration, he warned us.  "The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy."  So you know then, that if you want dominion, you have got to fight for it.  Even though Jesus finished his work on the cross, providing the gift of salvation for any who want it, and all who believe in his life, crucifixion, death and resurrection, you still have to fight!

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  (Romans 6:23)
It's not just our own sin that puts us in a precarious position.  Generational consequences could be holding you back today.  Your slave-owning forebear, or his God-cursing slave could be the reason nothing is going right for you now. 

Your witchy Jezebel of an ancestor and her enabling Ahab of a husband could be influencing you with evil that was set in motion in a previous millennium.  Sound scriptural teaching tells us that Jezebel and Ahab spirits are not specifically female and male; if your blaspheming, conniving forebear was a man, the Jezebel spirit would reside with him.  Should his wife aid and abet his wickedness, the Ahab spirit would rest with her.

You have no way of knowing if someone in your lineage set this curse in motion, but God knows.

This begs the question: What is it going to be for the generations of out-of wedlock children we are producing?  And the ones we choose not to bring to term at all?  How is that going to play out four generations from now?  Ten generations into a blasted, godless future, what will your bloodline be confronting?  If you are squandering your substance in drugs and debauchery today, will your great-great-great-great grandchild know that it is you who are the catalyst for his or her suffering?  

More than likely, that child will not even know your name.

This blog is about breaking that cycle.  There is an unborn generation desperately needing for YOU to pull it back in the road NOW.  


God promised us that He would look out for us.  He owns everything, knows everything, orders everything, creates everything, destroys everything, handles everything.  No matter that it looks like evil is winning.  

You can win.

Nevermind what blasphemies are playing at the movies.  You can win.  No matter the filthy utterances contrived as music--blasting from cars and yards and the earbuds of the youngsters.  You can win.  It doesn't matter what the politicians are doing.  It doesn't matter what the economy is doing.  It doesn't matter what's happening in the streets.  It doesn't matter what is happening in the church.  It doesn't matter what is not happening in any of these places.

You can have the victory.

As a joint heir to the Kingdom of God, you have dominion.  Over every besetting weight the world system can pile on, you have dominion.

However, you have to take it.  Take it.  The gift of salvation is free, and the burden of Christ Jesus is light, but you still must fight the good fight.  Just like Paul, who did everything wrong as Saul, but changed his ways and took dominion over the conversion of the Gentiles as the Apostle Paul,            you     have got      to      fight. 

Shipwrecked, flogged, stoned, slandered, hounded, conspired against, ill, imprisoned, victorious.  Paul had dominion.

Dominion is a mindset.  It conquers all outward appearance.

Today, make a commitment to begin your season of dominion.  Take back your power from the world's definition of dominance, and do it God's way.  

Don't ignore that stirring deep within you another moment.  

The door to your dominion is open.  Don't stand outside God's will another second.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog.  There is more to come.  

Now is the time to break generational strongholds, strike the coils of the python, cast down the works of iniquity--and step into the Dominion that Almighty God has prepared for you.

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